Money Mouth Face Emoji | Emojiguide
This emoji shows a face with dollar signs for eyes, and an open smile sticking out a tongue that looks like a green dollar banknote. Some platforms include raised eyebrows or depict the eyes as dollar coins. It can be used to convey themes of wealth, money or greed.
Money-Mouth Face Emoji - EmojiTerra
The money-mouth face emoji 🤑 features a grinning face with dollar signs for eyes and a green money-covered tongue sticking out. This emoji is often used to express an insatiable desire for wealth, success, or indicates that someone is flush with cash or thinking about money.
Money-Mouth Face Emoji - Emojipedia
A yellow face with raised eyebrows, currency symbols for eyes (usually dollar signs), and an open smile sticking out a tongue (usually colored green with a...
Money-Mouth — Meaning, Copy & Paste - Emoji Drive
🤑 Money-Mouth Face Emoji is also known as the Money Face Emoji. This Emoji depicts a yellow face with a wide smile, dollar signs for eyes, and a green dollar bill as its tongue. It symbolizes wealth, financial success, or a desire for money.
What Does The Money Mouth Face Emoji Mean
Feb 29, 2024 · The 🤑 emoji, often referred to as the Money-Mouth Face, depicts a face with dollar signs for eyes and a green banknote tongue, symbolizing an intense enthusiasm or desire for wealth and financial success.
money mouth face emoji meaning, info, stats - EmojiKitchen
This emoji is depicted as a face with dollar signs for eyes and a tongue sticking out, representing greed or a strong desire for money. It is often used to convey excitement or eagerness about wealth, financial success, or material possessions.
Money-Mouth Face Emoji
A Money-Mouth Face also known as Dollar Sign Eyes or Money Face or Rich emoji is almost always used in the context of money. This emoji is used for a wide range of situations dealing with money, like making money, loving wealth or feeling rich.
Money Mouth Face emoji Meaning - Dictionary.com
Sep 25, 2018 · What does Money Mouth Face emoji mean? Ka-ching! This emoji is all about the green: a typical round emoji face with dollar signs for eyes and a green bank note for a tongue. Social-media posts using the money mouth face emoji are usually celebrating or expressing some wishful thinking around money.
meaning: money-mouth face Emoji | EmojiAll
It shows a yellow face with dollar💵 signs for eyes and a tongue shaped like a green banknote. This emoji is used to express greed, wealth, or an air of superior.
Dollar Sign Eyes emoji - Meaning, Copy and Paste
This emoji here is usually called dollar sign eyes, The meaning of this emoji is usually used for content that involves money, including: making money, loving wealth, rich, and the concepts of success and excellence.
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