Vladimir Kramnik's opinion on reddit : r/chess
Jan 5, 2024 · As a consequence people who dislike Vladimir Kramik truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the statistics behind Vlad's existencial catchphrase "I have top mathematicians compiling statistics and evidence," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons.
Vladimir Kramnik official statement on Chessdotcom suspension
Dec 24, 2023 · Kramnik has really gone off the rails now. Anyone who has watched Hikaru play hundreds of games, like I have, will notice that he frequently finds himself in enormous trouble, in positions he only saves by setting traps and moving at blazing speed or just by moving faster and flagging his opponents.
Vladimir Kramnik on current Candidates tournament: "I have
Jun 24, 2022 · Vladimir Kramnik on current Candidates tournament: "I have never seen so many bad games in a top-level tournament" News/Events On June 24th, Russian-speaking channel "Levitov Chess" released a 2-hour video of Kramnik analyzing and discussing mistakes of some of the games played in the tournament.
Statement on Vladimir Kramnik : r/chess - Reddit
Oct 25, 2023 · Kramnik is now obsessed by some kind of cheater-paranoia and spreads it all around chess community. Additionally, he blames some elite chess players for being immoral just because they flag him. Apparently, Kramnik also became arrogant, agressive and abusive to …
Kramnik creates online petition calling for an examination of
Nov 27, 2023 · Does Kramnik ever demonstrate with actual math what exactly is suspicious in the results? It's a fool that's thinks mathematics is conjuring numbers is evidence of anything. It's a complete disservice to the lay public that already has trouble understanding abstract concepts coming from academia and researchers when a self-deluded public figure ...
Vladimir Kramnik confessed he was playing Title Tuesdays ... - Reddit
Mar 29, 2024 · Vladimir Kramnik confessed he was playing Title Tuesdays tournaments pretending to be a different person GM Denis Khismatullin (account krakozia at chess.com) for several months. This, of course, is a direct violation of chess.com any other chess web-site rules and fair play policies.
Vladimir Kramnik's Mind-Boggling Memory : r/chess - Reddit
Jan 9, 2022 · We all are well aware on how great of a player Vladimir Kramnik was, but one video confirms something even more on the Russian youtube channel 'Levitov Chess'. On May the 21st, a video on 'Levitov Chess' was published displaying the 14th world champion's amaing memory when he was given 29 random chess positions/masterpieces from his own games ...
Vladimir Kramnik on Twitter: "Already forgot how disquastung
Yes and other people manage to point it out without becoming completely paranoid, e.g. MVL or Fabiano Caruana. The chances that someone cheated yesterday against Kramnik are so slime, he just lost against people and became angry. What is psychotic is that he constantly see‘s cheaters everywhere and that he just can‘t stop playing on chess.com
Shortest to tallest chess player in the top 10 currently : r/chess
Someone mentoned Vladimir Kramnik was 195cm. It will be interesting to discuss height of current top 10 chess player in the ranking in order shortest…
Why did the procedure fail? : r/chess - Reddit
Jun 9, 2024 · Grandmaster Vladimir Kramnik is known for releasing controversial statistics on cheating in online chess known as “the procedure”. Due to this a Chess Duel was organized between Vladimir Kramnik and Jose Martinez known as Clash of …