New Netflix show follows the story of a detective and a scientist trying to find the killer who stabbed an 8-year-old boy and ...
Another true-crime series titled The Breakthrough has arrived on Netflix, focusing on the brutal homicide of an ...
It is indeed. According to Netflix 's Tudum, the true-crime drama is "a fictional account based on the 2004 double homicide of Mohammed Ammouri and Anna-Lena Svensson. "The murders were unsolved for ...
The Breakthrough follows a double murder that took 16 years to solve — much like a real-life incident that occurred in Sweden ...
Netflix's latest breakout offering The Breakthrough, is a show that at launch almost immediately entered the TV show's top chart of the platform's offerings.
The drama tells the story of a cold case that went unsolved for 16 years and the arduous journey to finding the killer.
Right now, the best three shows to stream are the latest Harlan Coben mystery thriller, the return of one of the streamer's ...
True crime fans are loving a new drama that's just landed on Netflix, with one person going as far as hailing it as one of ...
The true crime series hit the platform this week. A very bingeable 159 minutes in length, the show focussed on a double ...
At the Frankfurt Book Fair last year, Hachette UK and US chief executive David Shelley asserted that this was becoming a “big ...
Netflix viewers are struggling to watch a 'heartbreaking' Scandinavian true crime thriller that is being praised as the 'best ...