This course gives a basic introduction to machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). Through an algorithmic approach, the students are given a practical understanding of the methods being ...
Forberedelse: du skal stille forberedt til ukens tema, dvs. ha lest anbefalte tekster, og sett et anbefalt utvalg av undervisningsvideoer. 2 timer forelesning i uka: Gjennomgang (ved faglærer) av ...
Emnet er en flerfaglig tilnærming til Roma som sted og symbol fra antikken til moderne tid, med spesielt fokus på kulturelle, politiske og religiøse endringer. Emnet tilbyr et samlet studium av kultur ...
Classic approaches in data analysis are based on a static (or predefined) procedure for both collecting and processing data. Modern approaches deal with the adaptive procedures which in practice ...
Studenter som dokumenterer gyldig fravær fra ordinær eksamen, kan ta utsatt eksamen i starten av neste semester. Det tilbys ikke ny eksamen til studenter som har trukket seg under ordinær eksamen, ...
The course provides a thorough introduction to design, analysis (both theoretical and empirical), and programming of difference and elemental methods to solve differential equations. In addition, the ...
This course provides an introduction to different astrophysical subjects with focus on the underlying physical processes, solving problems numerically and data analysis. Some examples include orbital ...
This course is a continuation of IN1000 – Introduction to Object-oriented Programming and goes deeper into object-oriented programming; the working language is java, and it´ll be given an introduction ...
Why do people waste their vote across the world? Why do ethnic groups kill each other in some places and not others? Why does the same policy seem great in one place and fail miserably in another?
4 timer forelesning og 2 timer gruppeundervisning pr uke. Det er sterkt anbefalt å møte på første forelesningen fordi det vil bli gitt viktig information. Det kreves innlevering av obligatoriske ...
In this course you will learn about the relationships between different calculation models, formal languages, their limitations and complexity. The special admission requirements may also be covered ...
Causal inference is the task of drawing conclusions from data about the effects of treatments and other type of interventions. In epidemiology and clinical research, as well as in many other fields, ...