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Jon Christensen is a columnist at LA Observed. Jon Christensen has been an environmental journalist and science writer for more than 30 years, writing for the New York Times, Nature, High Country News ...
Iris Schneider considers herself an accomplished observer of life in Los Angeles. As a staff photographer at the L.A. Times for 27 years, and as a freelance photographer in New York and Los Angeles, ...
Al Martinez is a columnist for LA Observed. He has previously been a columnist for the Los Angeles Times and the Daily News. In 2012, the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens declared Martinez to ...
Brian Kennedy is an English professor at Pasadena City College who covers the National Hockey League and the Los Angeles Kings for Inside Hockey and other publications. He is the author of books about ...
Deanne Stillman brakes for sand. Her latest book is the critically acclaimed "Desert Reckoning: A Town Sheriff, a Mojave Hermit, and the Biggest Manhunt in Modern California History," a Rolling Stone ...