David Woodruff, a professor in CMU's Computer Science Department, and Samson Zhou from Texas A&M University received a ...
If the :constructor option is given as (:constructor name arglist), then instead of making a keyword-driven constructor function, defstruct defines a ``positional'' constructor function, taking ...
This course covers many of the concepts underlying the design, definition, implementation and use of modern programming languages. We emphasize formal techniques to study a variety of programming ...
This course introduces techniques for computer animation such as keyframing, procedural methods, motion capture, and simulation. We will focus primarily on character animation, but will also discuss ...
PREFACE: The language defined by the first edition contained an enormous lacuna: although facilities were specified for signaling errors, no means was defined for handling errors. This occurred not ...
The control structures that test Boolean values only test for whether or not the value is nil, which is considered to be false. Any other value is considered to be true. Often a predicate will return ...
Carnegie Mellon is known for its stressful environment, and we realize that the pace and expectations of 15-213/15-513/14-513 can contribute to that stress. If you find yourself having trouble keeping ...
Am a PhD student in Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University working with Prof. Alan Black. I actually consider myself the CTO of Alan Black Research Lab. I will design most of ...
Textbooks Lectures are intended to be self-contained. For supplementary readings, with each lecture, we will have pointers to chapters from the following books: ...
ALGORITHMIC RESULTS IN LIST DECODING, Foundations and Trends® in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2007. You can download a free copy of the book (for ...
This is a list of sites that maintain copies of the WWW version of "Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition". Please use the site that is closest to you.
In Blair Jackson's book on the Dead, Garcia is quoted as saying: "One day we were over at Phil's house...He had a big dictionary. I opened it and there was 'Grateful Dead', those words juxtaposed. It ...