See? “By” originally means “bye” or byway. That’s why, in fact, some people still spell “by the by” as “by the bye”. By the way, “that is by the by or bye” in this sense (secondary) is an idiom that ...
专利审查是专利保护和运用的前提。近年来,国家知识产权局持续推进专利审查的理念更新、技术革新和工作创新,专利审查工作取得显著成效。据国家知识产权局消息,我国持续压减知识产权审查周期,发明专利平均审查周期已缩短至15.5个月,商标注册平均审查周期稳定在4 ...
2025年1月15日,国家卫生健康委等四部门联合印发《关于推进生育友好医院建设的意见》,提出将孕产期抑郁症筛查纳入常规孕产期保健服务和产后访视,早期识别孕产妇心理健康问题,及时干预 ...
And no-one can tell a yarn like an Aussie? Everybody from every country in the world can tell a tall tale, but no-one can tell it like an Aussie or Australian. We don’t know what the conversation is ...
2025年1月21日,中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理丁薛祥在瑞士达沃斯出席世界经济论坛2025年年会,发表题为“坚守多边主义正道 促进开放包容发展”的致辞。 Chinese Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang, also a ...
教育是强国建设、民族复兴之基。教育兴则国家兴,教育强则国家强。党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚持把教育作为国之大计、党之大计,作出加快教育现代化、建设教育强国 ...
重庆市政府口岸物流办2025年1月16日发布的数据显示,目前,西部陆海新通道辐射我国73个城市的157个站点,通达全球127个国家及地区的555个港口。 The New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor has expanded its ...
It means that particular policy is foolish, rather than wise. The government must be trying to save money. They refuse to spend small amounts of money on certain projects even though doing so may ...