The weather-predicting groundhog celebrity has met two presidents and drinks a life-extending elixir: "Our Phil is like, probably 139 years old," Groundhog Club Inner Circle President Tom Dunkel says.
Metro Detroit is punching back at winter weather with another packed weekend of great options in the region. Here are eight ...
For one small Utah town, the arrival of spring is not determined by a Groundhog 2,000 miles away in Pennsylvania.
Lipton Hard Iced Tea is commemorating this year's Groundhog Day with a 9-foot-tall 'Can Daddy' statue made entirely of tea cans ...
Woodstock Willie appeared – both in mascot and in animal form – in the rodent’s namesake city Thursday evening to commence ...
PETA activists are calling for Punxsutawney Phil, the region’s fluffiest weather predictor, to be replaced with a vegan “weather reveal cake” during ...
German immigrants continued that tradition in Pennsylvania but swapped the hedgehog for a groundhog. Over time, the tradition ...
The EcoTarium, a science and nature museum in Worcester, will be hosting its third consecutive Groundhog Day event on Sunday.
As a warm front approaches, more clouds will arrive on Sunday. A sprinkle or flurry is possible, but most of the day will be ...
As people across Pennsylvania and beyond anxiously await to hear whether or not Punxsutawney Phil is going to deliver a late ...
February 2nd marks Groundhog Day. Meteorologist Darius Mack investigates how accurate Punxsutawney Phil may be.
The groundhogs — along with a tortoise, whose emergence from his winter hibernation foretells the coming of spring, and a ...