A: As dry as you can get it so that burning it won’t gum up your chimney with flammable creosote. How to tell? One indicator ...
Maybe you have been paying attention to the trees that surround Telluride and the region and have already noticed the growing ...
As anyone even casually surveying the Gunnison Valley’s landscapes can tell, it is an area of densely forested lands, and a new study released last month has confirmed how impactful those forests are ...
The drive is long and a little wide, Well wider than the average, Longer than most, just by a little.
In maturity, the basswood develops a pyramidal shape and can grow to 80 feet high and 50 feet wide. The heart-shaped leaves ...
The Wollemi Pine’s bark looks like bubbling chocolate—but its real secret? It’s a 200-million-year-old survivor from the age ...
Even this deep into winter, the trees are one of my favorite parts of our mountains. Stands of towering, majestic aspens, ...
The Cooperative Extension Plant Clinic can provide information on scale insect control, urban tree care, and other ...
Aspen stands are made up of genetically identical trees that share a root system. Clones reproduce by sending up new shoots, but the green tops are a favorite food of deer, elk, and cattle. Animals ...