As per Mumbai Police, the accused goes by multiple aliases – Vijay Das, Bijoy Das, and Mohammed Iliyas. They also confirmed that he previously worked at a pub. The only other details available ...
BNP's acting chairman, Tarique Rahman on Saturday said that Ziaur Rahman entered politics due to the needs of the time, the country, and the prevailing circumstances. Tarique Rahman made this remark ...
The BNP leader made the remarks while speaking to reporters after paying tribute to Ziaur Rahman on the occasion of his 89th birth anniversary at his grave in the capital's Sher-e-Bangla Nagar area.
The BNP paid homage to its founder and former president Ziaur Rahman on Sunday on the occasion of his 89th birth anniversary. Thousands of BNP leaders and activists, led by its Secretary General Mirza ...
Leaders and activists of the BNP have paid floral tribute to the party’s founder, Ziaur Rahman, on the occasion of his 89th birth anniversary. Led by BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam ...
The BNP paid homage to its founder and former president Ziaur Rahman today on the occasion of his 89th birth anniversary. Thousands of BNP leaders and activists, led by its Secretary General Mirza ...
Through the heavy pitter-patter of rain on the roof of the Circuit House of Chittagong, President Ziaur Rahman heard the sound of gunfire. A man of action known for his bravery as a Pakistani ...
Half-centuries from William Bosisto and Afif Hossain steered Khulna Tigers to 209-4 but Rajshahi responded aggressively to make them heavily favourite for a victory, thanks to Captain Anamul Haque ...
Bangladesh has not seen another honest politician like BNP founder Ziaur Rahman, former president of Jubo Dal's Narayanganj unit Maksudul Alam Khandaker Khorshed said yesterday (19 January). "I want ...
The 89th birth anniversary of the architect of multi-party democracy and founder of Bangladesh Nationalist Party, BNP, Shaheed President Ziaur Rahman, is being celebrated on Sunday, January 19. The ...