Nimisha Priya, a nurse from Kollengode in Kerala's Palakkad district, had allegedly injected her business partner with ...
Luai Ahmed fled Yemen for Sweden after rebels rose to power, becoming an activist against Islamic fundamentalism; after Oct.
Iran carefully crafted a strategy that warned its loyalist militias to refrain from acting as recognized states on the international stage.
Officially known as Ansar Allah ("supporters of Allah"), they are a fundamentalist militant group that originated among Yemen's Houthi tribe. The Houthis are Zaidis, a branch of Shia Islam ...
The Houthis are part and parcel of Yemeni society – but are also a backward minority loathed by most Yemenis, Ali Al Bukhaiti ...
Members of the Iranian-led Shiite branch of Islam, the Houthis have controlled large regions of central, northern and western Yemen since taking up arms against the internationally recognised ...