"I'm pleased to announce that the Governor has allowed proof of citizenship and proof of residency for registering to vote to become law without his signature," Wyoming Secretary of State Chuck Gray ...
Five sheep had been killed and investigators found evidence of wolf presence, including wolf tracks and bite marks on ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Wildlife Services responded to reports of a predator killing five sheep in north-central Wyoming on Saturday. The agency found evidence pointing to a wolf attack, ...
The residents displaced by the fire were treated at the scene for minor injuries and are being helped by the American Red ...
Three 10th Circuit Court of Appeals judges on Tuesday, March 18, affirmed the ruling of lower courts that hunters can corner ...
Multiple pets died after a fire broke out at a home in Wyoming Thursday night, according to the City of Wyoming Fire ...
The Bureau of Land Management’s State Office today issued a decision to continue its wild horse gentling and adoption ...
A federal agency says it killed a collard wolf that apparently crossed from Colorado into Wyoming and killed several sheep.