She couldn’t believe her eyes — she really was orange ... only for the owl to fly out of view when it started getting dark.
Nocturnal birds excel in darkness, utilizing stealth, sharp senses, and hunting skills, making them nature's silent predators in forests.
As evening looms it takes to the air to battle with the other males in hope of getting a date.' Researchers think the dark owl eyes on its wings are a case of camouflage, warding off predators by ...
Adult: small; yellow eyes; bill yellow-green at the base ... The western screech owl’s bill is blackish or dark gray at the base, but gray-plumaged individuals are otherwise nearly identical ...
DESCRIPTION: The northern spotted owl is a medium-sized, dark brown owl with a barred tail; white spots on its head, neck, and back; and dark brown eyes surrounded by a large, heart-shaped facial disk ...