New research suggests that dark energy isn't needed to explain the acceleration in the expansion of the universe — instead ...
One of the Victorian carcharodontosaur shinbones was found on the Otway Coast. The other was found on the Bass Coast, in ...
The species, known as Bastetodon and named for an Egyptian goddess, had sharp teeth and an incredibly powerful grip ...
However, a leading African individual still needs to be found to champion ... and ensure that the new era is properly implemented for the benefit of the continent.
Geoscientists discovered a continent that had been hiding in plain sight for almost 375 years. Historically, there's been speculation about whether a continent known as Zealandia or Te Riu-a-Māui in ...
AFK, the only US-traded ETF focusing on African markets. It trades at 10x earnings and low correlation to US markets, ...
A new discovery by a team of volunteers and scientists has unearthed tantalising evidence of a large predatory dinosaur, ...
THE year 1928 deserves to be remembered in the history of international law by reason of the efforts made during that period ...
African countries must start manufacturing their own renewable energy systems . Green industrialisation will boost the continent’s economic development .
This Black History Month, the Banner is teaming up with WriteBoston’s Teens In Print program, highlighting young voices of ...