With the final saga unfolding, One Piece must give some characters more screen time to shape the long-awaited epic conclusion ...
The rarity of Conqueror's haki is something misunderstood by many fans. This is perhaps the biggest misconception about this ...
One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump ...
One Piece has so many characters that its hard to keep track. This character will have a huge role to play in the final saga.
The shonen anime returns to Egghead Island on April 6th and is bound to cause waves throughout the anime community. It's no ...
Although not every character needs to be related, fans can't help but notice some similarities between Mihawk and Rayleigh.
Vegapunk's Devil Fruit Theory might hold the key in answering the question regarding Luffy's devil fruit ability being a ...
The Monkey D. family seems to be the most important in the series, so there's an awesome theory about their secret origin in ...
One Piece aired a remastered version of the Fish-Man Island during the hiatus, but it removes one major callback from the ...
Clearly, based on what Oda has set up so far, there has to come a war after the One Piece is claimed. Whitebeard openly ...
The Whole Cake Island arc delivered one of the most technically impressive and thematically rich battles in One Piece history ...
As multiple women are found dead in Long Bright River, Mickey Fitzpatrick questions whether these deaths are accidental or ...