How can both be true? At the end of mating season, usually in late winter, male deer, or bucks, shed their antlers thanks to an abscission layer that forms between the antlers and the skull that ...
After authorities were seen dragging a 2-year-old deer named Baby away from a woman accused of keeping him illegally, many ...
The buck moon is the name given to the full moon in July and originates from Native American traditions surrounding hunting ...
You can witness the illuminating the full moon, buck moon, this weekend. The star will be at its peak shine at 6:17 am ET on July 21 in the United States, which is around 3:47 pm IST. According to ...
Most whitetail deer hunters in Northeastern Pennsylvania have heard of Chronic Wasting Disease and know that it is not good.
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) has been found in a male buck in the Greenfield area. This is the first case found in Hennepin County.
Hunters in the state would no longer have to shoot an antler-less deer before killing a buck, a policy enforced by the Department of Natural Resources, under a bill recently passed in the Assembly. On ...