The presence of two types of hair cells, the inner and outer hair cells, in the organ of Corti was appreciated nearly a 100 years ago but the function of the two has only become clear in the last 20 ...
The inner ear is divided into two fluid filled chambers - one inside ... The sensory cells are called hair cells because of their appearance under the microscope. Each hair cell has a tuft of ...
snail-like structure in the inner ear. This fluid movement pushes on hair cells that turn the physical sensations into electrical signals, which stimulate the brain. While elegant, this complex ...
One of the most common reasons for tinnitus is exposure to loud sounds. If you’ve ever left a concert or a noisy event and noticed a ringing in your ears afterward, that’s temporary tinnitus. But ...
In this bustling auditorium, nestled within the balance (vestibular) system of your inner ear, the musicians are not wielding ...
The cochlea uses sensory hair cells to detect sound waves in the ... have developed a new way to look at activity in the inner ear by adapting an imaging technique called optical coherence ...