The ship propelled itself via some propellers mounted near the top. If you know much about ArduPilot, you notice that active hydrofoil boat doesn’t show up on the list of supported platforms ...
Hybrid hydrofoil monohulls (HYSWAS ... configuration and a longer strut capable of supporting a rudder behind the propeller. This configuration was chosen because: An internal investigation ...
After reading a bicycle-powered hydrofoil build we posted a few days ago, [James] sent in the project that earned him an iron ring from Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada. It’s a pedal ...
Flying fish II shown opposite, is also propelled by a high efficiency propeller. It uses an upright cycling position and inflated pontoons for its catamaran structure to minimize weight. The main ...
McArthur was out on his electric hydrofoil — a propeller-driven ocean glider that he designs and sells — when he was suddenly surrounded by dolphins. Fortunately, he was filming the ...
The hydrofoils let you cut through the water with ease. It's the same technology used by the fastest sailboats. You decide how fast you go with electric pedals or pedal manually. A propeller moves ...
For a little more than a decade, the local aerospace giant brought its jet airplane technology to the commercial passenger boat market, building dozens of hydrofoil ferries used around the world.
The use of a bicycle power train in conjunction with a large air propeller also became the favored mode of power transfer in the record setting Decavitator hydrofoils. The photograph and diagram show ...