Fiber optic cable will be laid this year to interconnect traffic signal systems on the Anoka County highway system.
Major changes aimed at property owners digesting a historic increase in their tax bills still could be months or years away.
KQED officials confirmed Monday that KQEI was broadcasting dead air after the crash knocked some of its equipment offline.
OLYMPIA, Wash. - Lawmakers are discussing a bill that would restrict the sale of highly concentrated sodium nitrite, a chemical linked to suicide attempts. The proposed legislation, House Bill ...
The voices of senior citizens with disabilities and their caregiving families served as a signal calling for a bold shift in the paradigm of healthcare and welfare. Elderly person Oh Soo lives ...
Check out the ChosunBiz New Year special series <53.9%, I am an elderly person with disabilities> as an interactive article. The lives of elderly individuals with disabilities, their caregiving ...
5.7/1 – Circumstances When a Player’s Low Handicap Index Becomes More Than 365 Days Old After submitting a score on 1 March 2025, a player’s Handicap Index calculates at 12.3. Their Low Handicap Index ...
A member of the Parking Patrol documented this example of Bad Parking which violates the rule – and courtesy – concerning the clearly striped accommodation zone for handicapped motorists and their ...
In this week’s segment of “North Dakota Outdoors,” host Mike Anderson tells about a resource available on the Game and Fish Department’s website that helps all anglers find a place to go ...
Disability experts, myself included, fear that the Trump administration is creating new barriers for disabled people to being hired at a job, getting a quality education and providing for basic ...
FIRST ON THE DAILY SIGNAL—The Trump Education Department ... s pause to decry the new Education Department for neglecting disabled families. Every new administration puts a brief pause on ...
Morrisons is to offer an exclusive 10% discount to members of the disabled community when they spend £25 or more on groceries online. To access the discount, customers are asked to sign up to the free ...