Bernie Sanders has built one of the most durable movements in American politics. But many inside and outside of it are ...
After years of raging about the billionaire capture of American politics, the senator has been filling arenas with fans who ...
"I want to do something radical," Sanders said. "What I want to do is tell the truth." PolitiFact fact-checked some of his ...
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said the Democratic Party needs to undergo a “major transformation” if it wants to have a future, ...
For years, the Democratic Party has been losing the trust of the voters. Once a dominant force in elections, it is now facing ...
Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have ignored the advice of Democratic thought leaders to “roll over and play dead ...
Because only Americans who are completely illiterate or comatose could have missed the fact that the Party of Oligarchy ‒ the ...
An aging star playing to massive crowds of supporters in head-to-toe merch? It’s not the Grateful Dead, it’s the Fighting ...
"You want to do nonsense, do nonsense," Sanders said as he stepped away from an interview on ABC News' "This Week." ...
In an energetic rally in Tempe, Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined forces with Bernie Sanders in a ...
Bernie Sanders and AOC headline a rally in Tempe, Arizona as part of a three-day, five-city swing through Western states ...
U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders can draw a crowd. No doubt about it. And as Democrats continue to feel their way out of the Trumpian ...