A. We show that it is only the worship and not the making of images that is forbidden by the first commandment: 1.(1) Because no one thinks it sinful to carve statues or make photographs or ...
A. Sins against faith, hope and charity are also sins against the first Commandment. Q. 1164. How does a person sin against faith? A. A person sins against faith: 1.1st. By not trying to know what ...
In an interview with Fox News Digital, veteran Democratic strategist James Carville sounded the alarm about the current state of his leaderless party.
James Carville knocked members of his own party for breaking his "first commandment of politics" with their protests of Trump's address to Congress last week.
The simplest way of reading the Ten Commandments is, of course, from top to bottom: On the first stone: 1) I am the Lord your G-d who has taken you out of Egypt... 2) You shall have no other gods ...
Here are the 10 Commandments: 1. You shall have no other gods before Me. This commandment means that there should be no gods ahead of the one who gave Moses the commandments. Some people worship ...