The E.T. video game was so horrendous that it led to thousands of unsold cartridges being buried in a New Mexico landfill.
Tap back into your favorite old games and stream some of your favorite new ones when you get 43 percent off this gaming & ...
Scientists have built the first networked quantum computer using photons, demonstrating that room-temperature modules can be connected and scaled up.
This content may contain affiliate links. If you would like to support us and use these links to buy something, we may earn a ...
Call it the joy factory. Mattel brands have never been more present in pop culture as the pioneering toymaker celebrates its ...
Talking computers are nothing these days. But in the old days, a computer that could speak was quite the novelty. Many computers from the 1970s and 1980s used an AY-3-8910 chip and [InazumaDenki] ...
Gaming is the world’s largest entertainment genre (with roughly seven times the annual revenue of either music OR movies), ...
James Teller, who worked for Atari for 7 years did an interview with Stephen Stilphen where he explained in great detail why ...
At the SoCal Vintage Computer Festival, vintage laptop collectors gathered to share their love of technologies past and do a ...
The tech we use wasn't always as accessible as it is today. In fact, much of it was prohibitively expensive when it first ...
If your attic is filled with old trinkets and tech from the past, you could be sitting on a goldmine. Here are a few devices ...
The Atari 7800+ is the latest attempt at a retro console from the iconic gaming brand. I was hopeful going into this one, as I was quite fond of the previous Atari 2600+ which I awarded four stars ...