People who make a habit of sleeping on the job comprise a secret society of sorts within the U.S. labor force.
Inspired by famous power nappers Winston Churchill ... And then I’ll figure out when I can find 15 minutes and find myself horizontal.” Naps are accepted and even a necessity in some occupations.
She sets an alarm for 15 minutes, falls asleep within a minute ... Will Bryk, founder of AI search startup Exa, swears by 20-minute power naps and ordered two sleeping pods for employees to ...
Inspired by famous power nappers Winston Churchill ... And then I’ll figure out when I can find 15 minutes and find myself horizontal.” Naps are accepted and even a necessity in some occupations.
Inspired by famous power nappers Winston Churchill ... “Most people don’t realize naps should be in the 15- to 20-minute range,” Rowley said. “Anything longer, and you can have problems ...