Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. This holiday is separate from National Day, which is marked on 1 April. Both holidays relate to the same process of independence for Cyprus ...
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. The first National Day was celebrated on 16 May 1734, a date chosen by Honore III. In 1854, Prince Charles III changed the date to 4 ...
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. Easter, which is sometimes called Resurrection Day, celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. It is one of the ...
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. Our Lady of Meritxell is a statue of the Virgin Mary that was long cherished by the people of Andorra. It was first graven in the 1100’s ...
În fiecare zi de 31 August, în Moldova se sărbătorește Ziua Națională a Limbii, “Limba Noastră”, care celebrează limba moldovenească. An Data Zi Sărbători legale 2025 31 august duminică Ziua Națională ...
Prejdite na spodok stránky za predchádzajúce roky. Dátum náboženského sviatku bol pôvodne tretiu nedeľu v septembri, ale potom to bolo upravené na termín 15. septembra 1913 pápežom Piusom X. V roku ...
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. Saint Joseph, the husband of Mary and “adoptive father” of the Lord Jesus Christ, is well known to have been a carpenter who supported the ...
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. All Saints’ Day is a day when many may receive a gift or special words of encouragement from others. Those whose name coincides with a ...
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. On Palm Sunday, when Holy Week arrives, Slovenians will gather green branches, flowers, and other springtime plant life to make natural ...
Deň slobody a demokracie je sviatok na Slovensku, ktorý sa odohráva každého 17 novembra, s cieľom pripomenúť dve udalosti: rok 1939 a povstanie proti nacistickej okupácii a demonštrácie z roku 1989, ...
Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas de la page pour les dates des années précédentes. Pâques, que l’on appelle parfois Jour de la Résurrection, célèbre la résurrection de Jésus-Christ après sa ...
Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas de la page pour les dates des années précédentes. La fête est aussi appelée “Procession du Saint-Sacrement”, en référence aux défilés colorés qui suivent les messes ...