Do you remember the Blink 182 Christmas EP “Dogs Eating Dogs?” Probably not, but put the song “Disaster” on repeat while ...
If, on our walks, your dog wants to sniff every scent it encounters, ask yourself: “How much does he gain, and how much do I lose, if I indulge this behaviour?” There is an honest answer there ...
A European startup unveils Luna, a robot dog with a digital nervous system that learns like animals, guided by a dog trainer, not AI models.
A Swedish AI startup company has created a robot dog named Luna that has a functional digital nervous system capable of learning and adapting like humans and many animals, the company, IntuiCell, said ...
A Swedish startup has unveiled a robot dog which uses a new approach to AI, mimicking a biological nervous system.
Five years on the job is enough as Millie the Therapy Dog retires from service. Millie’s handler, Morris King stopped by the morning show to tell us all about the ...
Even our heroes need heroes, and to do the work, sometimes they need more than humans. That’s where Jennifer and TJ Dobbins ...
Yoga has a positive effect on our health, not only will you feel the fluidity and sharpness in your movements, but even your ...