Adani Group on Friday raised Rs 4,850 crore from the sale of 13.5 per cent of its stake in Fortune oil maker Adani Wilmar as ...
Frying can make eggplant Parmesan heavy. Luckily, there's a lighter, smokier alternative to the old cooking method and you ...
Washington now has freer hand in restricting Russian oil amid predictions of a global glut.
The Isle of Man Government has issued a surface drain warning after a recent pollution incident at a housing estate pond.
Researchers have created a biofuel from food waste — used cooking oil — that is both sustainable and cost-effective.
According to Ace Grease, oil theft results in lost revenue totaling more than $40 million each year. Additionally, the containers sustain damage during the theft, costing more than $3 million.
U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley is criticizing the EPA for how it verifies the integrity of used cooking oil imports. The Iowa ...
While olive oil has traditionally been lauded as the gold standard, another contender is quietly gaining recognition among ...
Planes mimicking migrating geese to save energy. Aviation fuel made of cooking oil or downed timber waste. Aircraft wings that can change shape during flight to maximize efficiency. These are some of ...
The EPA and Customs and Border Protection have provided answers about why claimed-to-be used cooking oil, mainly from China, ...
Found in animal-based foods such as meat, higher-fat dairy products (2% and whole), butter and ice cream, saturated fats can ...
Canola oil, also known as rapeseed oil, is a seed oil that was created in Canada. “Canola oil is made by crushing the seeds ...