The Legend of Camel Bell is a 60-minute theatrical performance created for President Xi Jinping, depicting the historical and cultural significance of the Silk Road. While other shows in Xi’an ...
Hong Kong's Lan Kwai Fong Group plans to establish an entertainment zone in the key Silk Road city of Xian, a bet on the mainland Chinese city's tourism sector and its potential as a burgeoning ...
West to Constantinople. East to Xian. This network of commerce linked tens of millions of lives as far away as Africa and Southeast Asia. The Silk Road wasn’t a camel rut worn in the steppe.
Following its Vessel in New York City, Heatherwick Studio has created another eye-catching vertical park/viewing point. This ...
Discover Loong Air’s increased flights between Xi’an and Samarkand strengthen Uzbekistan’s tourism and aviation growth ...
It explores the extent to which Deng's momentous economic reforms in 1978 have shaped modern China, what the country's expanded international role under Xi means, and who really makes Chinese foreign ...
Half of the Silk Road, which winded along between Xi'an to the east bank of the Mediterranean, was located in Xinjiang. Xinjiang was a place where the ancient Western and Oriental cultures met and ...
The Havighurst Center focused on the historical and contemporary cultures of the Silk Road during the academic years 2005-6 and 2006-7. As part of that focus, 15 Miami faculty received a ...
Under the One Belt, One Road initiative, Chinese President Xi Jinping aims to revive the ancient Silk Road trading routes with a network of trading infrastructure that he hopes will expand Beijing ...