Ongwediva’s Oshana Gymnasium was the battlefield for 87 chess players who showcased their strategic brilliance at the Namibia Chess Federation’s (NCF) Bank Windhoek Zone ...
Namibia president Poenie Weakley is calling on school-going archery enthusiasts and amateurs across the country to take up the sport competitively ...
Athletics Leandrea mouers Athletics Namibia’s season kicked off the new year when it hosted Leg 1 of its Grand Prix series in Swakopmund on Saturday.About 150 athletes competed in various track and ...
The Manager of Corporate Affairs at Cricket Namibia, Natalia Nauyoma said that there are several developmental programmes that will bring the game closer to the people, a process she describes as a ...
Das Otfried-Preußler-Gymnasium Pullach wird nach einem monatelangen Vorlauf seinen ungeliebten Namen los: Die Schule werde auf eigenen Wunsch ab 1. März "Staatliches Gymnasium Pullach i.
Das Rätselraten hat ein Ende, ab sofort kann gezielt gelernt werden: Bildungssenatorin Katharina Günther-Wünsch (CDU) hat am Mittwoch auf Nachfrage erstmals Beispielaufgaben für die ...