In line with his administration’s commitment to provide quality education for students in Lagos State, Governor Babajide ...
Council for Educational Research chief researcher Charles Darr told RNZ its PATs were used in more than half of New Zealand ...
A Fermanagh teacher has used her Presidential address at the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) Northern ...
Despite its waning usage in India, Sanskrit is on the rise in the West. Many premier universities, such as Harvard, Oxford, ...
Some experts are worried about the Government's curriculum and assessment review, after it suggested that exams could be cut because they cause stress ...
“You don’t need to learn a million words. All you have to do is to learn the first 1,000 to 1,500 most frequently-used words ...
Most Louisianans no longer speak French, but a growing number of schools are now immersing kids in it. At École ...
A high school teacher in St. Tammany Parish has been arrested after authorities say he solicited and reportedly paid students ...
Last year, the Government launched a full review of the national curriculum and assessment system - which maps out what ...
An initiative offering insight into the competitive world of jewellery design is coming to Batley Multi Academy Trust, led by entrepreneur Zak Patel.
A child’s earliest lessons often occur in the simplest of moments: sitting at the kitchen table sharing stories, asking curious questions while exploring the backyard, or listening to a bedtime story.