Waking up groggy is no fun, so many brands are serving up discounts to give us all a caffeine boost or a dose of sugar to ...
Choose one that's high in tryptophan, an amino acid that your body uses to produce serotonin and melatonin. Snack options ...
“American-grown pistachios contain high levels of melatonin, with approximately 660 nanograms per gram,” says Palinksy-Wade. ...
“Get more fiber from fruits and vegetables and eat prebiotic foods, like garlic, onions and asparagus to feed good gut ...
Eating kiwi before bed to support better sleep is the latest health trend. Learn if it works and whether or not you should ...
Average sleep duration has been shrinking over the past several decades, concurrent with the rise in obesity and diabetes.
I wasn’t sleeping well, so I took Thorne’s Sleep Test to uncover the cause. Here's what I learned about my out-of-whack ...
Compared to kids who slept fewer than five hours a day, those who slept five to eight hours a day experienced earlier ...
Your favorite foods and drinks probably have microplastics in them. Here's how to reduce the amount of plastic particles you ...
There are factors that come into play when it comes to getting a good night's sleep. But its important to get a usual seven ...
Experts say it’s an important question to consider. Most of us spend a third of our lives sleeping, but you may need more or ...
During Ramadan, sleeping patterns change due to the need to wake up early for suhoor and undergo activities throughout the ...