Gegen so viel eisige Schwärze hilft nur der warme Atem der Pferde: Ein Gedicht über dunkle Stunden in einem kalten Land.
Aufgepasst, Anime-Fans! Im März gehen bei Netflix wieder so einige Animes an den Start. Wir haben wir euch einen Überblick ...
Frieren - Beyond Journey's End season two will premiere in 2026, offering relief to fans. Madhouse delaying release to maintain quality after first season success. Longer production time ensures ...
Keep warm this winter with a gorgeous new coat from AKROS, a Japanese seller with plenty of goods and apparel for fans of Frieren: Beyond Journey's End. The coat is modeled after the coat Frieren ...
That is basically the plot of Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, the best fantasy show you probably haven't seen, which just got added to Netflix. This is an anime best described as a trivial yet ...
On Wednesday, March 5, 2025, the official staff announced the January 2026 release window for Frieren: Beyond Journey's End season 2 during a live stream. Along with the announcement, the staff ...
"Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" has announced a 2026 premiere for its second season. On X, the official account of the anime series shared a poster, setting its release for January 2026 on Nippon ...
OfflineTV's Frieren: Beyond Journey's End apparel collection brings together the creativity of OfflineTV's design team and the timeless artistry of the beloved anime. Each piece in the collection ...
Seit dem Jahr 1900 erinnert ein monumentales Denkmal an den Ort der Schlacht. Wenn in diesem Jahr in großem Stil an den Großen Bauernkrieg von 1525 erinnert wird, stehen vor allem die ...