Cornwall, Ontario-based UAP is a distributor of automotive parts and heavy-duty parts, including tires, covers, shocks, ...
Thirty-four senior officials detail government secret-keeping around UFOs, in the explosive documentary "The Age of ...
Although the movie’s participants refuse to disclose classified information, some of their statements elicited “audible gasps ...
Encourage them to document their experience separately.
A paper by Montana Tech Professor Michael Masters and co-authors from Harvard suggests 'cryptoterrestrials' piloting craft ...
It’s a legendary incident among those interested in UFOs - now more commonly referred to as UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon). But according to a new phone app that allows people to report ...
While the Coalition leads in three out of the four major polls over the last week, Labor has made up some ground.
A national Newspoll , conducted March 3-7 from a sample of 1,255, gave the Coalition a 51-49 lead, unchanged since the previous Newspoll, three weeks ...
Only five reports of possible UFO sightings were made to the 43 police forces in England and Wales last year, compared to ...
Interest in UFOs has skyrocketed, with online searches for “UFO sightings” growing by over 5,000% recently… As UFO sightings make waves in the press and spark conversations everywhere, it’s clear that ...