The premise is that cooking food destroys valuable nutrients, but stripping back your diet to eat foods the way nature ...
“No cooked food. No liquor. No hot food ... Inspired by fitness influencer Gee Bryant, who also did a 90-day “raw vegan” diet, Brown purchased his PDF to give him a blueprint of what ...
Switching to a healthy diet can be confusing, but some nutrient-dense foods are best eaten raw. Spinach, carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers, apples, broccoli, and walnuts retain more vitamins ...
The New York City Health Department says avian influenza, best known as bird flu, was confirmed in two cats and suspected in ...
The good news is that many foods we usually eat raw are rich in vitamin C and the B vits (such as watercress, peppers, spinach, tomatoes and lettuce), so a balanced diet will provide you with ...
Michael Leone from the Butcher's Pup has developed a new method for preparing and preserving raw foods for your furry friends ...
Experts suggest people do the following to prevent contact with H5N1 or HPAI: Avoid a raw food diet Keep cats indoors and not allow them to ingest wild birds - which could be infected Limit pets ...