The gun fired after the dog's paw got stuck in the trigger guard, police said. The victim was relaxing on his bed with a ...
Jerald Kirkwood claimed that his one-year-old pit bull Oreo jumped onto his bed and accidentally triggered the gun.
Conservationists and hunters converged in Kansas City over the weekend as thousands attended the third National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic held in the Show-Me State.
Successful applicants will receive a permit, rules, and a hunting area map. Permits are offered for mourning dove, quail, ...
The Upland Slam challenges hunters to harvest a ring-necked pheasant, sharp-tailed grouse, greater prairie-chicken and northern bobwhite quail in Nebraska during the season.
The DNR is accepting applications for the 2025 Wisconsin elk hunting season and entries in the design contests for 2026 wildlife stamps.
During a 2017 incident, a pheasant hunter in north-central Iowa was accidentally shot and wounded when a dog stepped on a shotgun's trigger guard and the gun fired. And in 2018, a New Mexico man ...
Pheasant hunters walk through a patch of foxtail grass during the opening weekend of the 2015 pheasant season in Iowa.
A Bozeman hunter’s bird dog has alerted health officials to the possibility that the tick that carries Lyme disease — the ...