Personal Bests: JTold – 87.18 (1983); JTnew – 80.66 (1990).
The National Gallery of Australia presents Masami Teraoka and Japanese Ukiyo‑e Prints – the first exhibition dedicated to Masami Teraoka’s art to be held in Australia.
Italic Type (JPN) 14-1 (9-0) 9th of 16, 14 1/2l behind Advantes Road (8-11) at Nakayama 6f fm in Jan. Last Sharina (JPN) 22-1 (9-0) 2nd of 16, 1l behind Masano Unicorn (8-11) at Tokyo 6f pol in ...
Ballet Master (JPN) 40-1 (9-0) 15th of 16, 7 1/4l behind Trovatore (8-11) at Nakayama 1m stks fm in Jan. Gruner Green (JPN) 50-1 (9-0) 5th of 13, 3 3/4l behind Strauss (8-11) at Tokyo 1m 2f gd in ...