"Alien: Earth" is a new TV prequel to the "Alien" franchise. It starts when a spaceship crashes on Earth with a xenomorph on ...
Material retrieved from the asteroid Bennu by NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft shows that all the basic building blocks of life ...
Published in the Journal of Astrobiology, the paper does not argue that there was a technologically advanced species long ...
Fire and life had ... Yet humans — the keystone species for fire on Earth — are merging the two arenas of earthly burning with a give and take that is reshaping the planet in what resembles ...
Historian Peter Frankopan began his talk at The Hindu Lit for Life 2025 ... of The Earth Transformed, taking us from a lifeless planet to the world that set the stage for human civilisation.
There might be a type of exoplanet without dry land. They're called "Hycean" worlds, a portmanteau of "hydrogen" and "ocean." ...
A new teaser just dropped for FX's upcoming show Alien: Earth ... humans a visit, and that can only mean chaos, destruction, and death. Are they actually capable of conquering the planet?
Anyone could make a mistake in thinking that the “fiction” bit of science fiction absolves the genre of any responsibility to ...
The longest living life forms on Earth are plants. Without them, no animals would exist. All animals eat plants or other animals that live on plants. As the top predators on planet Earth ...
Prof. Bruce Monger, Earth and atmospheric sciences, shared his appreciation of the museum, calling it a “wealth of information on the history of the evolution of life on planet Earth ...
But the red planet ... life may have existed in the past and shed light on the early solar system before life began here on Earth. This will also prepare us to safely send the first human ...