From awarding Rami Malek’s all-teeth performance as Freddie Mercury to Julianne Moore winning Best Actress for the wrong movie, the Oscars have always inspired confusion and frustration. Ahead of this ...
In the same flashback style, we could have something following Judi Dench’s M into the service ... telling of how a sweet young boy with dodgy teeth turned into metal-mouthed cable-chomper ...
They’ve gritted their uneven, English teeth, and zhuzhed up coach houses ... Goodwood is as much a national treasure as Judi Dench or Paddington. Passed like a shiny baton down the centuries ...
An Iris Murdoch biopic distributed by Weinstein’s Miramax Films and starring both Judi Dench and Kate Winslet as the late journalist, it was practically made for Oscars. Broadbent is fine as ...
“I think I was sent Jim Broadbent’s gift by mistake,” says Judi Dench. “I opened it ... a cashmere wrap, a voucher for teeth-whitening, one chair, no, two, a lounge chair and a chair for meditation.
TV presenter Sir Stephen Fry has said he received a letter from Dame Judi Dench saying she “adores” his quiz programme Jeopardy! The 67-year-old is preparing for the launch of the second ...
"The White Lotus," on HBO, is all about Americans behaving badly in tropical locales, and the third season is set in Thailand ...