Jamaica's holistic disaster risk financing (DRF) strategy provided enough access to funding following the impacts of ...
separation of ownership from regulatory functions. The World Bank prepared a note to recommend to the IFC transaction team which preconditions should be met to enable private sector participation in ...
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FOLLOWING a courtesy call to the President of the National Institute for Disaster Risk Management and Reduction of Mozambique (INGD), Luisa Celma Meque, the joint monitoring mission held a technical ...
Global challenges put immense pressure on transportation systems, especially in developing economies. To ensure future growth, stability, and poverty reduction, these economies must deliver effective ...
This database collects information on the use of temporary trade barriers in the form of antidumping, countervailing, and safeguard measures across over 30 countries since the 1980s through 2024.
It changes in size during childbirth. For most people, variations don't affect function but procedures like dilation may be needed in people who have had vaginoplasty surgery to create or repair a ...