Does your life lack "main character energy?" Do you sometimes feel like an extra in an absurdist play? Then, maybe you can relate to William Shakespeare's Hamlet, a prince driven to prolonged inaction ...
Grand Theft Hamlet is a surreal, funny poignant and meta meditation on putting on a play, video games and culture record of ...
“I HATE HAMLET” is showing March 14th with select dates through the 29th at the Arena Dinner Theatre. Tickets are $50 dollars ...
Despite the formidable presence and occasional specks of greatness from Oscar-winner Denzel Washington, and a winner in Jake ...
In this tribal village in Palghar, devotion takes an unsual form—possession. Here’s a glimpse into the indigenous tradition ...
Full disclosure: your humble correspondent has never seen Hamilton. So I can’t make any sort of informed judgment about ...
The tribal villagers of Bhadangepada believe spirits reside throughout their world, dwelling in the mountains, the waters, ...
This picture postcard village is set in front of a mountainous backdrop and is known for its well-preserved architecture ...
I found my best friends here,” Jerseyville's Clare Breden said of her McKendree teammates. “First of all, we love the same ...
Welcome to the culinary secret hiding in plain sight in the tiny coastal hamlet of Elk, California. This unassuming general ...
Contrary to the struggles faced by his father, Henrikh Mkhitaryan has experienced a resurgence in form since turning 32. His transition from being labeled an inconsistent player to becoming a crucial ...
Some people opt to pick up a book of baby names, while others name their pooch after their favorite TV or movie character, ...