Iconic ’90s anime couples have stood the test of time, with fans still cherishing them as unbeatable, no matter how many new ...
They were American tourists hoping for a good time, they said. Then they became captives of an autocratic government.
Alas, the local crime syndicate has other plans, and Sakata barely has time to change into his sweatpants before his home is invaded by some ruthless gangsters wearing scary demon masks.
D emon City, now streaming on Netflix, is a revenge thriller written and directed by Seiji Tanaka (Melancholic). Wait, scratch that. Actually the only thrill here is single-minded ...
Alas, the local crime syndicate has other plans, and Sakata barely has time to change into his sweatpants before his home is invaded by some ruthless gangsters wearing scary demon masks ... is so ...
Pennsylvania State Police said the mother was previously arrested after being spotted slumped over her steering wheel at a ...
The raucous Wolfpack crowd fell to a hush as Ms. Wuf floated to half-court in a floor-length ... And as they exchanged vows through 20-pound masks, the Wufs became the only married mascot couple ...
March is full of exciting new YA releases that go well beyond the arrival of Suzanne Collins's latest Hunger Games novel.
As the DC Animated Universe continued unabated with its string of successful shows, longtime producer and character designer ...
Mask of Many Faces, which lets you disguise yourself at will ... Or match them with a Celestial patron, and fully embrace divination. A DnD Half-elf or a Yuan-ti also brings a natural +2 Charisma, but ...