For decades, countries like Singapore and Australia and others were able to essentially get rich off China, and be protected ...
"Talking directly to our adversaries from a position of strength" is a way Trump can ensure peace, according to a former ...
A serious strategy must neither underestimate nor overestimate a long-term threat. America has many problems, but overall, I ...
After World War II, nations pledged to create a more equal and law-abiding world. Now Russia, China and the U.S. are returning to an older model in which powerful countries impose their will.
But it hinted at a return to an age of American imperialism and a world of great power spheres of influence that has already been fostered by Russia’s and China’s claims on Ukraine and Taiwan ...
“It seemed to many at the time that this was the beginning of a new formation of climate geopolitics, with the great powers coming together and negotiating before the rest of the world is asked to ...
New York/London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2008. Pp. x, 272. Notes, biblio., index. $41.95 paper. ISBN:0415395801. In Great Powers and the Quest for Hegemony, Jeremy Black, prolific student of grand ...
Forbes ranks the United States as the most powerful country in 2025, followed by China and Russia. India's position at 12th ...
President Xi Jinping would like everyone to pay attention to how China is exerting leadership in world affairs as a “responsible great power.” While the Trump administration is in retreat, Xi is ...
the arrival of American troops is a great blow to German morale and a decisive turning point in the war. The German army now faces the economic and military might of the world’s rising power.