Credit: The Pokémon Company, Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures / Toei Animation Co., Ltd. / Walt Disney Pictures, Troma Entertainment, Toho Co., Ltd.
Chrono Trigger is an icon for many reasons, but the Dragon Ball creator's vision of its time-travel universe has helped it ...
Dragon Ball Super has dropped some cool new art for the series’ next volume, and it has settled the debate over Broly’s new Super Saiyan form. Although Dragon Ball Super’s o ...
On top of all that, seeing Goku rip out a Kamehameha so powerful that it broke every barrier separating the three Demon Worlds was one of the coolest things I've seen out of Dragon Ball in a long ...
Sure, we know that the gang were weaker in the child forms, but it's a little ridiculous to play at them being that much weaker considering he was slapping around Super Sayain 4 Goku of all ...