Quantum physics just took a leap from theory to reality! Empa researchers have, for the first time, successfully built a long ...
The successful realization of a Heisenberg model with nanographenes by Empa researchers enhances understanding of quantum effects and potential applications.
Moving quantum technologies a (tiny) step closer to practical applications ...
Researchers have experimentally recreated another fundamental theoretical model from quantum physics, which goes back to the Nobel Prize laureate Werner Heisenberg. The basis for the successful ...
Next, the researchers plan to use their nanographenes to create and investigate ferrimagnetic spin chains. In these chains, the magnetic moments align in an antiparallel manner but do not ...
Empa researchers from the nanotech@surfaces laboratory have experimentally recreated two fundamental quantum physics models originally inspired b ...
School of Physics, AMBER and CRANN Institute, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland ...
China Key Laboratory of Materials Modification by Laser, Ion and Electron Beams, Dalian University of Technology, Ministry of Education, Dalian, 116024, China Department of Physics, Dalian University ...