"श्रीश्च ते लक्ष्मीश्च पत्न्यौ अहोरात्रे पार्श्वे। नक्षत्राणि रूपं अश्विनौ व्यात्तमुखौ॥" (Shri and Lakshmi are your consorts, ...
Once you had garden of Eden, Now you have this. Vegas. A playpen in the desert. Bliss. Here, 5,000 years of Civilization Can be experienced in an instant. Have a nice day. Enjoy. For in a flash it ...
Guitarist Kieran Molloy discusses The Deathbed Sessions and how Cursed Earth managed to survive with a little help from their friends Beer bongs, brilliant bands and more shoeys than you can shake ...
Russia and Iran are typical if quite extreme victims of the so-called resource curse. They extract natural resources from the earth, and are able to sell them internationally for far more than ...