The Sixers are finishing their back-to-back on the road against the Hawks, who are in the playoff picture as Philly sit back with the seventh-worst record in the NBA.
In the process, the Heat recorded its second-best ... Vit Krejci (lumbar fracture), Larry Nance Jr. (right medial femoral condyle fracture) and Daeqwon Plowden (G League) against the Heat.
Purpose: To investigate the effect of intraperitoneal treatment with low- and high-dose methotrexate (MTX) on wound healing in rats. Methods: The study sample consisted of 54 healthy rats. Under ...
225: 1 → 2 (crista tibiofibularis on the distal end of the femur larger (or equal) than the lateral condyle and globular ... 50: 0 → 1 (jugal acute angle between ascending process and caudal process); ...
The beagles were positioned in right lateral recumbency, and two silver needle electrodes were inserted subcutaneously, approximately 2 cm apart, between the lateral femoral condyle and the ... The ...
Finally, with construction of our new commercial manufacturing facility complete, we've initiated the tech transfer process and remain on track to begin commercial manufacturing for MACI in the ...
In the process, the Heat recorded its second-best single-game offensive rating of the season with 139.4 points per 100 possessions on Wednesday. All of this led to a win that was very much needed ...
To reduce the potential for bias in the data analysis and/or literature review, liaisons did not submit answers to the online questionnaire, nor did they partake in the voting process. Of the 13 ...
Forces applied during and after orthognathic surgery can induce changes in the condyle's morphology, position, and function, i.e. condylar remodeling. Several systematic reviews have emphasized that ...
Forces applied during and after orthognathic surgery can induce changes in the condyle's morphology, position, and function, i.e. condylar remodeling. Several systematic reviews have emphasized that ...
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