(chuckles) APPRAISER: And you bring him out ... But I think the most fun thing about him is the fact that he is a candy container. GUEST: (gasps): He is?! APPRAISER: When I lift his head ...
Todd Siwak was CEO of Ferrara Candy from 2014 until 2021 ... including Jelly Belly, Chuckles, Raisinets, Baby Ruth and Laffy Taffy. In 2012, Siwak was an operating partner at Connecticut-based ...
and Cool Runnings that still spark unbridled joy and heartfelt chuckles. Now, a transformative documentary, Orange Whip, is set to bring John Candy’s incredible life and enduring legacy to the ...
Look at that cotton candy swirl. Um, that looks great ... why wouldn't you wanna use it every day? I don't know. (chuckles) (delicate music continues) A lot of my mugs, the designs and the ...
The go-kart track itself is a masterpiece of indoor entertainment engineering, with barriers in eye-catching orange and pink guiding drivers through a course that somehow manages to pack the thrill of ...
Hilarious bone puns are rib-tickling treats for everyday conversations. Bring humour into your chats with the best puns that ...
Gone are the days of bingo halls filled with old ladies and church-like reverence. In today's game, you'll find that comedy, booze and laughter rule the night. Dolls With Balls at Hamburger Mary's ...
Usually attended only by nervy fledgling standups and neighborhood inebriates who resent the incursion, open-mike nights often have the feel of a glum joke workshop — which is why emcee Kevin O ...