Actor Varun Dhawan, actress Vamika Gabbi, Keerti Suresh and director Atlee took part in bhasma aarti at Mahakal temple on the ...
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ANI brings the latest news on Politics and Current Affairs in India & around the World, Sports, Health & Fitness, Entertainment, News.
#WATCH | Uttar Pradesh: Morning aarti being ... used to live in the Khaggu Sarai area. After the 1978 riots, we sold our house and left this place," Rastogi said. He said it is an ancient temple and ...
Earlier in the day, an aarti was performed at the Hanuman Temple after it was ... authorities stumbled on it during an anti-encroachment drive. The temple, named as Bhasma Shankar temple, houses an ...
NEW DELHI: Singer B Praak attended the Bhasma Aarti and offered prayers at Mahakaleshwar temple today. 'I had a very good experience after attending the Bhasma Aarti,' said B Praak. Pratik Bachan ...
He attended Bhasma Aarti and sought blessings of Lord Shiva at the reverred temple along with his wife. During his visit, the minister wore a traditional outfit of saffron colour. Puja was ...
Ty Pendlebury has worked at CNET since 2006. He lives in New York City where he writes about TVs and home entertainment. Expertise Ty has worked for radio, print, and online publications, and has ...
Singer B Praak experienced deep spirituality at the Bhasma Aarti in Mahakaleshwar Temple, Ujjain. Actor Varun Dhawan, along with his film team, sought blessings at the same temple before the ...
Union Minister Giriraj Singh on Sunday participated in the Bhasma Aarti at the Mahakaleshwar temple in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, and sought blessings from Baba Mahakal (Lord Shiva). Speaking to ANI ...