Medical transportation operator Air Methods has signed a deal to buy 15 IFR-configured Bell 407GXi helicopters, with an option for more.
DALLAS–Bell is proposing a dedicated instrument flight rules (IFR) variant of its Bell 505 Jet Ranger X single-engine light ...
Signs major purchase agreements with Bell Textron Inc., and AirBus Helicopters Air Methods expands fleet, signs major ...
Bell Textron, the aircraft subsidiary of Textron (NYSE:TXT), on Tuesday said it had signed a purchase agreement with Air ...
Order includes up to 27 IFR-Configured Bell 407GXis and a Bell 429.
The Bell 407GXi variant features the Garmin G1000H® NXi integrated flight deck, which enhances pilot situational awareness and reduces workload. Features such as synthetic vision, terrain ...
Sancak Air's CEO Mustafa Bayrak will use the GXi for private trips, piloting the single-engine rotorcraft himself and expanding the company's Bell fleet. The FAA has issued an approved model list ...