Q. 1295. What are we commanded by the seventh Commandment? A. By the seventh Commandment we are commanded to give to all men what belongs to them and to respect their property. Q. 1296.
Emerging world economic order. The emerging world economic order – now tagged as Trumporder after its initiator – has turned the economic policy package advocated by IMF and W ...
White, foundress of the Seventh Day Adventist Church ... one "mark of the beast" is the alteration of God's Commandments. The booklet claims that the Catholic Church dropped the "Second ...
The conjecture that the Irish, like the other inhabitants of the British Isles are of Hebrew extraction has for many ...
In a very strange and odd way, I also owed it to inner conscious to fulfil the commandment of remembering ... of the holocaust and October 7th; or the growing acts of global anti-semitic ...
Garish gold statues featuring Donald Trump’s visage are nothing new at the president’s home away from home. The internet is ...
No rest 'until our brothers and sisters are returned from the tunnels of captivity — this is our moral duty. In the book of ...
In 1 Jn 4:16 we hear that “God is love.” The passage called the “Great Commandment” summons us to “love God with our whole heart, soul, and mind” (Mt 22:37). And in the same passage ...
In it we read about how Satan aggressively but unsuccessfully tempted Jesus in the desert. The first temptation took ...
Viral videos of haredi anti-draft chants have reignited Israel’s conscription debate, sparking public outrage and political ...