The report, “Canadian Agriculture by the Numbers” analyzed agricultural Statistics Canada data from 2001 to 2021. In 2001, ...
All sides agree problems will persist as long as ranch and gray wolf territories in California overlap. What's the solution?
Hawaiʻi is down to just one commercial dairy, mostly relying on imported milk. A new proposal looks at a West Kauaʻi site.
Texas crawfish production is faring better than last year’s dismal harvest, but the industry has not fully recovered.
For a cow to feed a calf and retain its own body condition requires a good solid intake of essential nutrients. First-calf ...
You might feel good buying grass-fed, free-range beef, touted as better for the environment than conventional beef from ...
From the Everglades to the Keys, Florida is teeming with life, but with human encroachment, some species are being pushed to ...
“Cattle producers welcome the rain, but it leads to muddy pastures and proper management is needed for optimum grazing the ...
Narelle and Mark Boardman, at Montgomery, in central Gippsland, have made some useful investments after earning the extra ...
Cows compose the greeting committee at the Governor’s School for Agriculture, flocking to the fence just past the entrance to watch visitors drive past.
Studies have shown that cattle-related injuries are a serious concern on farms, with fatalities and injuries resulting from kicking, charging, stomping and crushing leading to blunt and sharp force ...
A cow at Ashton Creek Farm in Iowa defied 1-in-105,000 odds by giving birth to healthy triplets, while one in North Dakota birthed a set of quintuplets.